Kanagawa prefecture is extremely important in Japan's economy. It has all what are considered vital for a growing business. Investing and locating in Kanagawa prefecture could lift your business up and may create further opportunities for expansion . Lets have a look in detail.
A) Excellent Transportation Environment - Well connected high speed rail network to reach of Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama and other major economic hubs, Tokyo International Airport just minutes away, and easy approach to two big port Kawasaki and Yokohama.
B) Cost Performance and Human Resources - 30% less rental cost as compare to Tokyo, rather lower than other major Asian cities. With over 315,000 researchers and technician, Kawagawa can be the best place to hire world most well-trained human resources.
C) Major Corporate Working - Japan's best corporate are deeply rooted in Kawagawa prefecture including Nissan Motors Co Ltd, Xerox and Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited. Foreign companies like Moog Japan is also a big name that is part of a corporate cluster of Kanagawa.
D) Great Living Standards - What do you need? - a good school, nice living apartments, shopping centers, place for recreational activities, beaches, hotels - all available with good number and high standards. Huge number of foreign nationals, 13 international schools and 42 medical facilities making Kanagawa the best place for you to invest and live.
E) Subsidy programs - Kanagawa provides low-interest financing and tax incentives to companies that locate research facilities or plants in Kanagawa Prefecture.
For more information, Invest Japan Business Support Center, Kawagawa is there to answer your queries.

Ideal location of Kanagawa prefecture

Population comparison of work major cities
About Kanagawa Prefecture
Yokohama, Kanagawa's capital, and its largest city and second largest city of Japan by Population (3.7 million). Kanagawa's total population is 9.06 million.
GDP of Kanagawa Prefecture is $307.6 billion which is greater than Thailand's GDP (263.8) and almost equal to Denmark and Argentina as of 2008 figures.
Part of Greater Tokyo Area with 19 major cities including Kawasaki
Around 37 major universities with science departments, and 14 stadiums or gymnasiums. Second biggest prefecture with number of researchers and technicians (315,482)
275 foreign companies have their headquarters in Kanagawa.