No 251
- Riko Co.,Ltd.
- Manufacturer of Level Sensor Switches and Floats.
LocationNo.2-52, Higashi, 2-chome, Nakanocho Tondabatashi, Osaka 584-0022, JapanTEL+81-721-26-0511FAX+81-721-25-8210EMAILsalesdiv@oliac.comWEB
Company Profile
President Takuji Umezu
Established May 7, 1965
Capital 50 million yen
Employees 85
Services and Products
Level Sensors:
RFS Series (Stainless Steel)
MFS Series (Plastic)
RF-2 float
The detail of product can be seen on the following link
http://www.riko.co.jp/products/rf-2/index.html -
Services and Products (Translated)