No 244
- Dainichi Machine and Engneering Co.,Ltd.
- Design and manufacture of mechanical equipments, Plants, Structure and flow dynamics analysis, Plant engineering supports.
Location15th FL, ST Building 1-11-15 Kitasaiwai, Nishi-ku Yokohama, Kanagawa 220-0004 JapanTEL+81-45-311-6803FAX+81-45-314-6049EMAILsalesdiv@oliac.comWEB
Company Profile
Dainichi Machine and Engneering is an engineering company working in hardware development and process design with a special force on design technologies. They have always supported the needs of their customers for the development of new technologies by boldly taking on challengers in all fields. Dainichi Machine and Engneering has been able to build up a strong record in providing customer satisfaction.
President Masahiro Kobayashi
Established October 1, 1965
Capital 50 million yen
Services and Products (Translated)