No 219
- Mitsubishi Materials Electronic Chemicals Co.,Ltd.
- Manufacturing of fluorine products, electro-conductive powder & functional coating materials,high-purity semiconductor processing materials, construction and electric instrumentation work design.
Location3-1-6 Barajima, Akita City, Akita 010-8585, JapanTEL+81-18-864-6011FAX+81-18-864-4002EMAILsalesdiv@oliac.comWEB
Company Profile
Mitsubishi Materials Electronic Chemicals supply fundamental materials which are indispensable to society and new materials with high performance. We continue to satisfy the needs of this new age of high-technology, advanced information, and an environmentally friendly society. They conserve the natural resources and materials, which are a blessing of nature, and aim to build a sustainable society. Mitsubishi Materials Electronic Chemicals promise to contribute to the human race, society, and the earth through our business activities.
Established Oct 01, 1991
Capital 2.6 billion yen
Employees 300
Services and Products
White Electro-conductive Materials
Perfluoroalkylsulfonyl Compounds
Transparent Conductive Materials
Solar Heat-ray Shielding
Columnar Crystal Silicon
Titanium Black
The detail of product can be seen on the following link
http://www.mmc-ec.co.jp/eng/product.html -
Services and Products (Translated)