No 316
- Mitsuba K.K.
- KK trefoil (mitsuba Corporation) Technical strength and rich experience in the machinery and equipment. We produce a variety of industrial products and materials.
Location10-22, Shinkamikosaka, Higashi-Osaka, Osaka 577-0813, JapanTEL+81-6-6722-5362FAX+81-6-6725-2057EMAILsalesdiv@oliac.comWEB
Company Profile
Mitsuba Corporation has a high reputation in the special cutting punching other companies can not. In addition to the traditional paper and rubber, used home appliances, IT equipment, etc. It provide accurate and beautiful finish to new materialsPresident ToriyamaEstablished December, 1996 -
Services and Products
The detail of product can be seen on the following link -
Services and Products (Translated)