No 373
Hydrogen & Fuel Cell Technology
- ARBROWN Co,. Ltd.
- AR BROWN, involved in the leading industries of the era such as chemicals, pharmaceuticals, automobile, aerospace and biotechnology.
LocationDaini Marutaka Bldg., 13-8, Ginza 7-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061TEL+81-3-3545-5802FAX+81-3-3543-8865EMAILWEB
Company Profile
ARBROWN Co company motto "Think Quality & Create Value " represents product and talent quality, technology information and service. With this in mind, we endeavour to enhance quality and create new value of business by creation of human relations and development of good communication utilizing our up-to-date information network.
Founded April 28,1970 (Inaugurated March, 1949)
Capital 50 Million Yen
President Takashi Yasuda
Employees 85
Services and Products
Specialty and Fine Chemicals
Electronics Materials Chemical Products/Fillers/Instruments for Chemical Products
Friendly Solvents
Testing Equipments and Measuring Instruments
Environment Production/Monitoring Products
Genomics, Proteomics and Cellular Engineering
Scientific Glassware,Apparatus and Bio Reagents
Milk Doctor
Milk Checker
The detail of product can be seen on the following link
Services and Products (Translated)